Centrifugation in mAb Workflows – Tailored Solutions are the Key For Process Optimization

Centrifugation is omnipresent in the process of developing monoclonal antibodies – and is also an influencing factor in striving for process optimization. To keep pace, tailored solutions are the key.

What Counts in mAb Workflows?

The use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as therapeutic drugs for the treatment of human diseases has emerged as the new backbone of the pharmaceutical industry. Important progress over the last years has paved the way for mAbs to be increasingly applied for a broad therapy spectrum from oncology to immunology. The development of mAbs is the key in early drug discovery. From hit to lead to candidate a multitude of questions need to be answered, from finding the most promising molecule to proper antibody generation.

In order to tackle the massive cost and time pressures, process optimization is naturally on the agenda. High productivity, minimum variability, excellent data quality, and efficient and responsible resource management are standard benchmarks. Properly streamlined workflows have the power to create the best conditions for ergonomic and concentrated work, with a better user experience resulting in fewer errors, greater peace of mind, and improved overall performance. Centrifugation contributes to this!

Holistic View on Centrifugation

mAb drug discovery is a multi-step process comprising target antigen production, hit and lead generation and characterization, protein engineering, transient antibody expression, in vitro validation, and cell line development. Its spectrum of applications is equally multifaceted with screening assays, protein expression, cell culture and upscaling. Centrifugation is omnipresent! Various vessel formats, large or small volumes and spin-columns have to be centrifuged, with high or low speeds, in high-throughput and with optimal cooling.

A holistic approach is inevitable in order to keep up with all demands. Across all workflow steps and methods, the basics of efficiency, reliability, and reproducibility, as well as sample and user safety, must be maintained. Low downtimes keep processes running reliably and individual requirements have to be met for each application.

"A reliable and constant device performance is mandatory to reduce unnecessary downtimes."

Master Less Time for More Samples!

Time-consuming sample handling is a daily challenge in lab practice. Many successive short centrifugation runs, frequent parameter changes, or idle time due to centrifuge pre-cooling are tedious time-wasters during plasmid construction, screening assays or sequencing. Operating errors, which typically creep in during busy workflows, such as getting mixed up by frequent centrifugation parameter changes, must be avoided. Undoubtedly, centrifugation should not impair productivity and should not be conducted at the expense of reproducibility. Fast and easy to operate devices with short interaction periods save valuable time and programmable settings prevent operating errors.

Chemical Compatibility

No Productivity Without Safety

Tightly controlled temperatures are prerequisites for keeping cells viable during sample preparation for flow cytometry. In antigen or antibody production the in vivo-like structure of enriched purified proteins needs to be preserved. An optimal technology guarantees fast and accurate cooling, programmable to protect samples from unwanted warming and degradation after run. Features helping to prevent pellets from becoming loose after a run if not processed immediately, are a great help to avoid sample loss.

In order to decrease the risk of cross-contamination aerosols should be safely locked. The user is a part of the workflow Excellent user experience with smooth workflows and a comfortable working environment brings relief from repetitive activities and stress. Low access heights, easy and safe sample un/loading and low noise levels are simple features that bring rapid improvement. Optimized ergonomics can reduce hands-on time and protect lab staff from work-associated injuries. Space saving devices with small footprint leave more space on the bench, expand possibilities and increase mobility.

Keeping Pace with Application-Specific Requirements

Moving forward in the workflow, various methods must be applied. The development of hybridoma cell lines involves the centrifugation of hybrid cells in different tube and plate formats. Solutions with a high flexibility ensure that different vessel formats can be spun without time-consuming rotor changes. Robust high-capacity rotors provide added value for expressing antibodies or antigens in bacteria or cell lines. Large volumes of medium have to be centrifuged at low speed with accurate cooling to avoid protein denaturation and large weight differences in neighboring buckets have to be balanced during the run. Centrifugation during PBMC-isolation requires a gentle and time-consuming slow deceleration with long braking times to protect cell layers.

Optimized ramps save time and a stable cooling maintains the integrity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. An enormous noise pollution from the many high-speed centrifugation steps is the daily business in standard kit applications during plasmid production for humanization and sequencing. An optimized sound design brings significant relief. Protection of shearing-off open tube caps during centrifugation of spin-columns prevents cross-contamination.

Intelligent functions support a time-efficient operation and help to cope with the multitude of changing parameter settings. High-throughput screening suffers from a significant risk for cross-contamination and sample loss as stacked plates might brake during the run. An aerosol-tight rotor with closed buckets and high capacity spins many plates trouble-free and safe.

Cell Culture is no Piece of Cake!

Sterility over months is a success factor for establishing a stable cell line. Aerosol-tight adapters are great helpers for contamination prevention in this long-term process characterized by different transfection methods and many passages. Cell culture labs often suffer from many devices, but less space. Space-saving devices with high capacity but small footprint and optimal ergonomics facilitate sample access and throughput. Opt for tailored solutions

Opt for Tailored Solutions!

Centrifugation concepts should comprise carefully selected devices guaranteeing:

  • Fast and easy operation for high time-efficiency and to maintain productivity
  • Features for error prevention to ensure reproducibility
  • Reliable and constant device performance to keep processes running
  • Fast, accurate and programmable cooling to maintain sample integrity
  • Features to prevent sample loss
  • Contamination prevention for sample and user safety
  • High capacity devices with small footprint for maximum efficiency
  • Optimized ergonomics for relief from repetitive activities
  • Excellent sound design for minimal noise pollution
  • Application-specific requirements


Tailored concepts take these tedious considerations off your shoulders and offer you maximum confidence in getting the best possible solution for your mAb workflow application. They are a success factor for mAb workflows as they help to optimize processes and support and excellent user experience.


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